How to merge DNS zones
The creation of the DSfW domain will create a DNS zone for the domain along with the reverse zone. If there is already a zone with the same name then merging the zones is necessary.
This video shows how to use the DNS/DHCP Console to export, merge, and import zones.
Manage the Domain Boundary
Starting with OES2SP3 DSfW domain boundaries were no longer restricted to a single partition. Now partitions directly below the partitioned container mapped to the domain can be mapped to the domain as well. This can be done during the install of DSfW and creation of the domain with custom provisioning option or after the creation of the domain using the tool domaincntrl.
Here is a playlist for the videos covering Managing the Domain Boundary
The command and usage for managing the domain boundary can be found in the documentation.
The syntax for domaincntrl is:
domaincntrl <Operation> [arguments]
Lists partitions in the domain
Adds a partition to the domain
Removes a partition (and desamify users) from a domain… Continue reading
Install OES11 DSfW
Here is a playlist for videos covering the install of OES11 DSfW
It is broken out into 6 videos
Install OES11 DSfW – Yast section
Install OES11 DSfW – Log Files
Install OES11 DSfW – Provisioning Wizard
Start with the oes11 documentation and TID 7002172 Preparing for Domain Services for Windows Install