LDAP Trace

How to take a LDAP trace – quick version

This video will show you how to take a ldap trace on a linux/DSfW server.

This applies to both eDirectory and DSfW (since DSfW is built on eDir)
A ldap trace is helpf in troublehooting applications or workstations authenticating,
searching, or modifying the directory.
Some commands used in the video

ldapconfig utility:
See the screen level
ldapconfig get |grep -i “ldap screen level”

set the screen level for everything but packet dumping
ldapconfig -s “Operation| Connection| Config| Extensions| Error| Critical| DataConnection”

Setting the screen level to all
ldapconfig -s “ldap screen level=all”

Going back to default screen level
ldapconfig -s “ldap screen level= Error| Critical”

ndstrace section:
turn off the screen and file logging
ndstrace off

clear the filter
set ndstrace = nodebug

enabeling ldap and nmas in the filter
ndstrace +time +tags +ldap +nmas

turn on the screen and logging
ndstrace on

The ndstrace.log is located in

How to take a LDAP trace – long version

How to take a LDAP NMAS trace for DSfW TID 7009602
