OES 2015 NSS for AD
The big new feature in OES 2015 is NSS for AD. With NSS for AD, AD users can be given file system access to an OES server. Coupled with DSfW a functioning bi-directional trust will be possible.
Currently the limits with a bi-directional trust are with file system access from the AD side to the eDir/DSfW side. The work around has been to add an AD user to a eDir/DSfW group and via the group the user will gain the needed ACLs to access a file system. The problem has been file access via this method is limited to only DSfW servers. This does not work with other OES servers. Now with NSS for AD complete AD user access will be possible.
Watch this video for more information on NSS for AD in OES 2015
OES11SP2 is Available for Download
OES11sp2 is now available for download.
Delete an attribute on all users with a script
Here is the bases of a script to delete an attribute on a user.
I come across issues where an attribute was populated on several users that shouldn’t be there or you want to create new objectsids or just remove the existing objectsids and replace them with a back up.
Most DSfW installs are a name mapped install meaning the install is mapped to an existing container in the tree. If this is the case the domain name most likely will not patch to context in the tree and most likely the objectclass wit not be domain. An example of a domain with the name of novell.com mapped to a container with an objectclass of Organization (o=novell) and not domain (dc=novell). Even it if is a dc most likely the fdn does not match the domain name. Continuing with our example of novell.com that would… Continue reading